Our homes and properties for sale

You can view the list of homes, land, and other properties we have placed on the market for our clients by selecting the geographic area of your choice on the map or by entering the city in the search bar above the map. It is also possible to scroll down the right side of the map to see all listings.

Don't forget that if you don't find what you're looking for, we can also suggest other homes for sale among all the properties listed on the market in the area you're interested in. Contact us!

428 Rue Savard, Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, J2W1Y7
MLS: 16522246
45 Rue de Louvain, Waterloo, J0E2N0
MLS: 20456371
114A Rue Longtin, Saint-Jacques-le-Mineur, J0J1Z0
MLS: 20520653
510 Rue de la Traverse, Farnham, J2N0S9
MLS: 15290783

Click on the map to determine the geographic area in which you are looking for a property. You can also select a listing from the drop-down menu on the right.

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